Successful medical treatment of more than 4 Million People todate     Approximately more than 0.35 million successful operations todate      Approximately 1300 patients treated on a daily basis     More than 120 doctors trained/grauated to alleviate the sufferings of the blind       More than 0.3 million operations carried out during out reach progam/eye camps      More than 1.5 million children successfully screened todate
What's New
News 1

12,000 IDPs given treatment at Al-Shifa Camp more

News 2

'PIO Sukkur construction in fast gear more

News 3

Inauguration of Light House more

News 4

'Self reliance mega tower project more

News 5

MoU signed with Lions Clubs International more

News 6

Public Affairs Committee Meeting more

News 7

Muzaffarabad hospital construction in full swing more

News 8

International AGFUND prize for Al-Shifa more

News 9

MoU signed with Pak Trust more

News 10

National Academy of Paramedicsforges ahead more

News 11

Al-Shifa Outreach Program more

News 12

Al-Shifa awarded with another Gold medalmore

News 13

Participation in International Conferences more

News 14

Young Friend Activities- FJU Patient Survey Report more

Young Friends


1. Young boys and girls, the future of this world has the spirit, dedication and the will to make the world healthier & more enjoyable place. Our philosophy and our conviction is that any betterment in the society can occur only through improved & inspired human resources. Our youth, both boys and girls have tremendous energy and good will, what they need is the proper education & guidance to understand the issues and find solutions.

2.  Al-Shifa Eye Trust, has since 1985 taken upon itself to contribute significantly for the eradication of blindness. Besides establishing hospital where all needy persons are provided with quality eye care and treatment facilities, mostly free of cost, it intends educating young boys and girls about eye diseases, care & treatment. It would also wish that these young boys and girls would in turn create the awareness in the society and encourage others to participate for the noble cause of Al-Shifa Eye Trust. [Next]


3. Our purpose is to motivate teenager boys and girls to take up a leadership role in the days ahead for the noble cause of Al-Shifa Eye Trust.


4. To encourage teenager boys and girls to participate in the humanitarian cause of Al-Shifa Eye Trust.

5. To create awareness about eye health education and role of Al-Shifa Eye Trust in promoting it.

6. To inculcate spirit of services to humanity in young boys and girls.

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7. Ms. Huma Qayyum of Al-Shifa Eye Trust has been appointed as a coordinator to organize and coordinate the activities of young friends of Al-Shifa.

8. Country level organization will be instituted in Pakistan & other countries of interests.

9. The job of country level organization is to establish organization               at region/city & school level, coordinate their activities & work for the achievement of organization's aims & objectives. The chairperson of country organization will work & maintain contact with the coordinator at Al-Shifa Eye Trust Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Young boys and girls elected as Office bearers so far are at   annexure “A”. Further details will be communicated through newsletters.

10. Organization at country, region/city and school levels will have following appointments:

  • Chairperson

  • Vice-chairperson

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Leader public relation group

  • Leader social work group

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11.  All school going boys and girls within the age group of 10 to 18 years, who are of a good moral character and are willing to work with sincerity & dedication are eligible to become the members of the organization. Intending members are required to fill in the form attached as annexure “B” and forward to coordinator at Al-Shifa Eye Trust, Rawalpindi, Pakistan directly or through country organization. They may use E-mail for this purpose. Each member will be given a membership number.

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12.  As and when membership in any country reaches to the level of 100 or more, organization coordinator will approach through e-mail/postal mail, members in that country to opt for election of any of the appointments of the country organization. List of candidates for each appointment will then be circulated to all members who will vote for a candidate of each appointment through postal ballot addressed to Miss Huma Qayyum, organization coordinator. Names of the successful candidate will be published on website with date on which to assume appointment. Tenure of each appointment will be one year. Chairperson country organization will organize elections for region/city organization. In the same manner chairperson of region/city organization will repeat the process for school organization.

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13. Hold regular meetings to review progress and prepare plans for future activities.  

14. Organize walks to create awareness about eye diseases, care and treatment and the role of Al-Shifa Eye Trust in this regard.

15. Organize camps/functions in school where knowledgeable persons can come and educate members about eye diseases, care and treatment. Al-Shifa Eye Trust will help arrange knowledgeable persons to come and address the members. Doctors from Al-Shifa Eye Trust can be called and will come to carry out eye examination and treatment of school children.

16. Internship in and visits to Al-Shifa Eye Trust for interested members can be arranged and should be planned.

17. Special package for overseas members include social work at Al-Shifa Eye Trust, visits to places of interest and internship with Al-Shifa Eye Trust.

18. Activities of the organizations can be supported and financed by Al-Shifa Eye Trust with prior approval of the coordinator.

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In addition to working for the aims and objectives of the organization, duties are:



To coordinate activities of all regional/city organizations, arrange elections for office bearers and overlook the matters of regional/city organizations to ensure efficiency and smooth running. Work to increase membership, organize and coordinate various activities to meet the requirements of the organization's aims and objectives.



Will coordinate activities of all school organizations and work in coordination and supervision of country organization. Organize elections of the school organizations, increase membership and organize activities to meet organization's aims and objectives.

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Arrange and coordinate all the activities within the school & report to region/city organization. Increase membership by active campaigns





  • Will coordinate organization's activities including elections.

  • Provide literature; arrange lectures/talks to the member organizations in their school by Al-Shifa Eye Trust staff.

  • Arrange visits of the members of the organizations to Al-Shifa Eye Trust and its establishments.

  • Organize and supervise membership campaigns

  • Organize and coordinate meetings of various organizations.

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  • To work for the achievement of aims and objectives of the organization.

  • To establish objectives.

  • To plan out future strategies.

  • Organize membership campaigns

  • To create awareness about Al-Shifa Eye Trust and to motivate others to participate in Al-Shifa humanitarian cause.

  • Organize social and public relation activities.



  • To work in coordination with chairperson

  • Will be in charge of the organization in the absence of chairperson

  • Overlook organization to ensure efficiency and smooth running.

  • To create awareness about Al-Shifa Eye Trust and to motivate others to participate in Al-Shifa humanitarian cause.



  • Will be in charge of writing letters, minutes from meetings & other literature coordination.

  • To create awareness about Al-Shifa Eye Trust and to motivate others to participate in Al-Shifa humanitarian cause.

  • Coordinate activities of other organizations and branches.

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  • Will organize budgets & finances of the organization.

  • To create awareness about Al-Shifa Eye Trust and to motivate others to participate in Al-Shifa humanitarian cause.

  • Coordinate with members to motivate people to donate for humanitarian cause of Al-Shifa Eye Trust.


Social work group leader:

  • To work in coordination with vice-chairperson

  • To organize social functions

  • To organize & coordinate all social activities of the organization

  • To overlook social work group to ensure efficiency & smooth running.

  • To create awareness about Al-Shifa Eye Trust and to motivate others to participate in Al-Shifa humanitarian cause.


Public relation group leader:

  • To work in coordination with vice-chairperson

  • To prepare logos for organization and any advertisement for future events.

  • Work for the publicity of the organization.

  • Overlook public relation group to ensure efficiency and smooth running.

  • Work for the membership campaigns.

  • Motivate others to participate in the Al-Shifa noble cause

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By the time you have read this page 5 more people  have turned blind. Please help us alleviate the sufferings of the Blind 

        No of patients treated in Al-Shifa since inception  4,780,381(Last Updated on July 02, 2009)

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