Valuable Partners & Non Governmental Organisations (NGO)
Al-Shifa in its capacity as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Prevention of Blindness is cooperating with several international,national NGOs and Govts with the aim of providing comprehensive eye care and preventing blindness. A number of projects are being run with the support of these NGO'S.
A).Operation Eyesight Universal (OEU, Canada):-
This joint initiative involves the development of Subspecialties of Retina, Cornea and Glaucoma.
Capacity building of distinct eye unit
Screening and Surgical Eye Camps
Pharmaceutical Projects
B).Lions International Sight First Program (LCIF, USA):- This collaborative project involves
Prevention and Control of blindness from diabetes
Training of Optometrists, Nurses, and Technicians at National Academy of Paramedics
C). ORBIS International:- Tthis collaboration Project involves
Capacity building in Pediatric Ophthalmology
Rural Eye Care
D).Sight Savers International (SSI, UK) -
This joint initiative involves
Development of Low Vision Services
Cataract Surgical Program
Capacity building of distinct eye unit.
E). Government of Japan:- Our very valuable partner since early days of Al-Shifa is supporting in the following projects
Development of Cornea and Glaucoma units at Sukkur.
Prevention of blindness from Vitamin A deficiency
Development of Laundry Services
F). Trust for Voluntary Organizations (TVO, Pakistan):- Under the series of joint projects TVO is helping school screening program.
G).International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF, Canada):-
This joint project entails the screening of school going and non-school going children for treatable eye diseases and avoidable causes of visual loss. The special emphasis of this project is screening of pre-school children and primary eye care training of community health workers and school teachers.
Case Studies
How to Donate?
By the time you have read this page 5 more people have turned blind. Please help us alleviate the sufferings of the Blind
No of patients treated in Al-Shifa since inception 4,729,331(Last Updated on January 23, 2008)