Al-Shifa Journal of            Ophthalmology (ASJO)               

Vol. 1, No. 1, January - June 2005

Aims and Scope

Information For Authors

President's Message


Ophthalmoplegic Migraine

Ocular Infections and Seasonal Variations

Repair of Lost Rectus Muscle

Sensitivity of Tests in Dry Eyes

Intravitreal Kenacort in Macular Edema

ERG in Diagnosis of Retinal Problems

Spectrum of Contact Lens Users

Corneal Thickness in Diabetes

Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern

Message from President of Al-Shifa Trust

The publication of a standard scientific journal is another milestone in the history of Al-Shifa Trust. The first issue of Al-Shifa Journal of Ophthalmology is in your hands. A good beginning has been made.

The quality and quantity of scientific data available to our faculty as well as to our residents and researchers is enviable. To analyse and share the results of this data for the benefit of patients is our paramount duty. A Scientific Journal is the most important forum in this regard. I hope that day by day ASJO will add to our existing knowledge of prevention and control of blindness at national, regional and global level. I also wish that this Journal attracts greater and wider audience both in terms of readers and that of scientific contributions.

I congratulate Prof. Jahangir Akhtar and his team on this successful debut!

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Jahan Dad Khan