Make A Donation
1. Financial Donations
Financial Donations
Kindly send your donations or Zakat to the following accounts:
1. In UK
- Habib Bank AG Zurich 5/ 7 High Street Southhall, Middlesex
UB 1 3HA, UK :
Account Number = 7-2-7-20311-402-109356
2. In USA
- National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), 100 wall street 21st floor, New York. NY 10005
Account Number = 52152578
Al-Shifa Foundation of North America 1200 SMITH ST
STE 2355 Houston TX 77002 :
Tax ID (For US Residents Only) 36-4328912
3. In Pakistan, donations can be sent directly to Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital , Jhelum Road , Rawalpindi or to Account Number 365-1, Muslim Commercial Bank Limited, Al-Shifa Branch, Rawalpindi . All donations in Pakistan are exempted from Income Tax vide Regional Commissioner Income Tax, Islamabad , letter number:
SO-III-26(9)97-98/5422 DATED 23rd May 1998 .
4. We also maintain collection accounts in branches of Pakistani banks the Gulf States .