Al-Shifa Trust Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rwp.
Specialty Departments
The hospital is one of the very few institutions in the country where experts in their respective sub-specialty clinics manage different eye diseases. Following sub-specialties have been established at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital:
a. Cornea and Refractive surgery
This department is equipped with most modern daignostic
and surgical equipment, like specular Microscope,
Computerized Corneal Topography, Anterior-segment
photography, Pachymtery, Excimer Laser etc. Over 800
corneal transplants have been done so far. It also offers
radial Keratotomy, Photorefractive Keratectomy etc.
Subspecialty fellowship courses for one year is also run
by this department.
b. Retina and Diabetes
This department has facilities of Posterior Vitrectomy,
Retinal Reattachment Surgery, Air Fluid Exchange,
Argonlaser, Endolaser, Fundus Phlrocine Angiography and
Electrophysiological tests. Large number of patients with
retinal problems including diabetes are treated here. Well
trained and experienced staff provide excellent services
to patients.
c. Pediatric Opthalmology and Strabismus
This is one of our very busy departments. It deals with
all sorts of pediatric issues ranging from Squints to
congenital childhood diseases. It has the support of the
first Orthoptics clinic in the country. This clinic has
also trained four orthioptics in one year course. A well
equipped low vision clinic also supports this department.
It has portable Keratometer, an air Tonometer and other
necessary equipment to diagnose various childhood diseases.
d. Glaucoma
The Glaucoma department runs a very busy clinic. Supported by Humphry Field Analyser and retinal Tomograms, it is dealing with all types of Glaucoma's.
e. Orbit and Oculoplastics
Tumors and other lid problems are very serious and
difficult to manage. This department lead by an experienced
Oculoplastic surgeon deals in cases of ocular tumors and
patients requiring Lid/ Orbital surgery. Many lives saved
have been saved by treating eye cancers in time.
f. Lacimal
Recently started subspecialty deals with diseases of the nasolacrimal system in which the common problem is that of watering of the eye due to blockage of tear ducts.
g. Low Vision Clinic
This unique service in the country deals with those
patients who can not be treated either medically or
surgically but they still have residual vision which
can be made use of by the help of special glasses and
other low vision aid. Supervised by a senior
Ophthalmologist it has a consular and three
Optometrists. It also makes low cost low vision devices