Al-Shifa Trust                                    Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rwp.

                                                  General Information

It is a modern 250-bed eye hospital with the
latest diagnostic and surgical equipment.
It has a team of well-trained medical, nursing
and para-medical staff. The medical staff
includes 8 foreign-trained senior
Ophthalmologists and 35 residents. On an
average, 500-600 patients are being treated
daily in OPD and 60-70 operations are
being performed every day. During the last
nine years of its life, Al-Shifa Eye Hospital
has successfully treated over one and a half
million patients in OPD and performed over
one hundred and fifty thousand operations.

The outpatient department is comprised of 21
fully equipped examination rooms.
Seven of these rooms are for new patients,
while the rest are for follow-up and specialty
cases. In addition, two operation
theatre blocks with a total of 11 operating
tables, all equipped with operating
microscopes and latest video recording