Collaboration Center of WHO

Al-Shifa At A Glance




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Aims & Objectives

·   To provide free treatment to the underprivileged and the poor suffering from eye ailments.

·   To be a non-profitable, non-political and non-governmental organization.

·   The Trust will initially set up an eye hospital of international standard at Rawalpindi and later on establish similar hospitals in Sindh, NWFP and Baluchistan.

·   To establish Pakistan Institute of Ophthalmology (PIO) in Rawalpindi where facilities for human resources development and comprehensive research would be made available.

·   To establish Al Shifa Centre for Community Ophthalmology (ACCO). This would educate people about eye care and also provide at the door treatment facilities in far-flung areas.

·   Managerial structure will be institutionalized with President of Pakistan, as its ex-officio Patron-in-Chief.  

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Established in 1985, the Al Shifa Eye Trust was formally registered under Societies Registration Act 1860. First eye hospital of 200 beds was established at Jhelum Road, Rawalpindi in 1991 and continues to function as one of the best eye hospitals. PIO and ACCO were established within Al Shifa Complex Rawalpindi in March 1997. Eye hospital at Sukkur came up in April 2000. Another eye hospital is under construction at Kohat. Yet another hospital will be constructed in Baluchistan.

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Organizational Set-up
President of Pakistan is the ex-officio Patron-in-Chief. Board of Governors and Board of Trustees are the two supreme bodies, which make policies and have appointed an executive committee for running the affairs of the Trust. A number of other committees headed each by a member of the Board of Trustees; look after specific aspects of the Trust.

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Financial Control
Finance Committee is governing the financial affairs of the Trust. Apart from the normal audit by Chartered Accountants Firm, accounts are presented every year to Finance Committee and Board presided over by the President of Pakistan, who is ex-officio Patron-in-Chief of the Trust.

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Medical Facilities

In addition to providing eye care to patients with common eye diseases like cataract, Al Shifa Trust Eye Hospitals also provide state of the art treatment facilities for complicated diseases through specialty clinics.  

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Specialty Clinics/ Laboratories
Eye Hospitals have pediatric, glaucoma, vitreo retina, anterior segment, diabetes related blindness, cornea, orbit & oculoplastic / trauma clinics and provides specialized eye care and treatment. In order to determine the specific kind of ailment, detailed investigations are done in the radiology department with the help of ultra sound and computerized X-Ray machines. Similarly, laboratory tests are carried out at the pathology laboratory under the supervision of highly qualified specialists. Doctors perform operations ranging from cataract to most complicated and sensitive operations like vitreo-retinal surgery in operation theatres equipped with latest equipment. On the average, over 600 patients are being treated daily in OPD and over 70 operations are performed every day at Rawalpindi Hospital.

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Eye Infection Laboratory

Eye infection is one of the main causes of blindness, which has made thousands of people blind, most of whom are children. Al Shifa Trust Eye Hospital has set up a laboratory, costing Rs. 5 million to investigate causes for the all such diseases and later will be upgraded to the level of National Reference Centre to provide training to local people. A mobile diagnostic unit will soon be operative for such patients in the community.

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Low Vision Devices
There are about four million persons in Pakistan who are suffering from low vision and cannot be cured through medical or surgical treatment; however with the help of Low Vision Devises (LVD), they can use their existing vision more efficiently. LVD imported from abroad costs about six to eight thousand rupees. Al Shifa undertook an extensive research plan and utilizing local resources has successfully produced the same devices at a nominal cost and are being dispensed to the patients.

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Al Shifa Center for Community Ophthalmology
The aim of ACCO is to reduce the backlog of blindness through a community oriented programme of mass education on eye health care and large scale screening of school children and the rural population who has no access to hospitals or medicines. ACCO holds eye camps in rural areas working 5 days a week. Patients requiring surgical treatment are transported free to Al Shifa Hospital for treatment under standard environments. A District Focus Programme also launched to train and equips 54 District Headquarters Hospital in next 10 years.

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 Pakistan Institute of Ophthalmology (PIO)
Establish in 1994 with the aim to train doctors and paramedics and to carry out research PIO runs post graduate residency courses for FCPS, MS and DOMS for doctors while diploma and certificate courses are run for nurses, optometrists and other ophthalmic Paramedical staff. PIO has well equipped library with over 6000 books and journals. Our 50 doctors and 250 paramedics have been train by PIO.

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Ophthalmic Research
Ophthalmic research in different disciplines of clinical and community ophthalmology is going on since the establishment of hospital. To accelerate the pace of research Al-Shifa Ophthalmic Research Centre was established. With the availability of latest ophthalmic research equipment, we are now able to carry out quite advanced research on management of various blinding conditions. Three research fellows are working at this center and we plan to start Ph D courses at our center.

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Emergency Cases:

Hospital remains open round the clock for emergency cases. A doctor is available for immediate treatment and more can be called at short notice for specialized treatment. Identification papers (ID card) and Zakat Certificates where required can be handed over to the hospital next day.  

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Poor/Zakat Patients:

Hospital remains open for these patients from sunrise to sun set except for short lunch break. Patients with Zakat Certificate from Patient’s Local Zakat Committee are treated free of cost (except for nominal charges for indoor treatment) and other poor patients are provided treatment at highly subsidized rates. For details please contact inquiry office (Telephone numbers Rawalpindi 051-5487820 extn. 332, 348 and Sukkur 071-612766 & 071-615466 or visit us at hospitals.  

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Private Patients:

Since Al Shifa Eye Hospitals have best of the equipment, facilities and highly qualified specialists, every one wishes to be treated at these hospitals. For those who have the means and wish to pay for their eye treatment, facilities have been made available for consultation in the evening at Rawalpindi / Sukkur Hospitals and Islamabad Clinic. Patients are examined in the evening and they can make appointment by calling Telephone Numbers Rawalpindi 051-5487820 extn 332, 277, Islamabad 051-2873119 and Sukkur 071-612766 & 071-615466.  

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Panel Patients:

Business, companies, government, semi government departments and autonomous bodies are offered contracts on subsidized rates for eye treatment of their employees. For such patients, an authority letter from their department /company is required. Bills are forwarded to department/company for payment.  

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Evening Shift:

In addition to private patients, facilities for poor patients and those who cannot spare time during morning time due to their commitments, evening shifts are working. Poor patients are provided further concessions during these timings.  

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Senior Citizen Clinic:

Mrs. Zohra Musharraf, mother of President of Pakistan, inaugurated the Senior Citizens Clinic at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi on 13 May, 2003.  Need for this clinic was felt to provide prompt and special attention to senior citizens who cannot wait for long hours to take their turn.

Furthermore in most cases, eye problems of advanced age need special attention of more experienced doctors.  This would be an independent fully equipped clinic for all those over the age of 70 years. The clinic will have the facilities for all types of diagnostic equipment under one roof in addition to special services for laboratory sample collection, and YAG Laser etc.

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Accommodation for Attendants of Patients:

Al Shifa constructed a separate block for attendants and relatives of the patients. In this block separate rooms along with cooking and other facilities are available at nominal rates.



About 70% of our patients are treated free; another 25% patients are highly subsidized and only 5% patients pay full charges. The Trust, therefore, needs your kindness and support. There is no better way to thank God Almighty for SIGHT than extending helping hand to those in darkness. There cannot be a better return for your Zakat and SADQA than donating these amounts to Al Shifa Eye Trust, which will result into, smile and light for those who are in perpetual darkness due to eye ailments. Please send your contribution to Executive Director Al Shifa Trust, Jhelum Road, Rawalpindi. For UAE, UK and USA, contributions can be made at following: -


·   National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) New York, Account No. 52152578

·   Al Shifa Foundation of North America 1200 SMITH ST STE 2355 Houston TX 77002:    Tax ID (For US residents only) 36-4328912


·   HSBC Bank Auchin Leck House Birmingham, Account No: 40-1108-41311565

·   Habib Bank A.G. Zurich 5/7 High Street Southhall Middlesex UB 1 3HA, UK Account No. 7-2-7-20311-402-109356





Al Shifa Trust

Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi

Pakistan Institute for Ophthalmology

Al-Shifa Center For Community Ophthalmology

Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital Sukkur

Donating To Al-Shifa







Copyrights © 2001 Al Shifa Trust