Badar Colony Area Portrayal
• The people of Union Council 60 have a population of approximately 22,000 in Lahore Pakistan.
• Lahore is second largest city of Pakistan and is provincial capital of Punjab with approximate population of 8 million people.
• The area under investigation is Badar Colony of UC 60.
• The community living in the area reported serious health related
issues as a result of no provision of water supply and sanitation in the
area by government agencies that is Water and Sanitation Agency
• Poor sanitation, unsafe water and unhygienic environments cause
children to suffer needlessly from disease.
• Scarcity and misuse of the fresh water resources pose a serious and
growing threat to sustainable development, protection of
environment and human health and welfare and food security.
Badar Colony Area Portrayal
• The people of Union Council 60 in Lahore Pakistan have a population of approximately 22,000.
• Lahore is second largest city of Pakistan and is provincial capital of Punjab with approximate population of 8 million people.
• The area under investigation is Badar Colony of UC 60.
• The community living in the area reported serious health related
issues as a result of no provision of water supply and sanitation in the
area by Government agencies that is Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) Lahore.
• Poor sanitation, unsafe water and unhygienic environments cause
children to suffer needlessly from disease.
• Scarcity and misuse of the fresh water resources pose a serious and
growing threat to sustainable development, protection of
environment and human health and welfare and food security.
Existing Condition
• The initial field survey revealed that people in the area do not have
any water supply and sanitation system.
• The disposal of the excreta is unsafe, people are poor, toilets
are improper and the literacy is low in the area.
• The excreta are disposed off through excavating a small sanitation well.
• The community disposes off or discharges their sewage in these wells.
• Anecdotal evidence from the discussion with communities suggests that elders and children’s health is affected as the sewage water is mixed with the drinking water.
• The existing water supply is through instillation of small motor pumps to extract ground water.
• The practice of cooking food in the community revealed that the food is mostly cooked in the open & they also do not take any measure to minimize contamination due to limited existing knowledge and low
• The storage is unhygienic and demonstrated low level of understanding of the safe storage and health issues associated with is unsafe storage & this increases the risk of food contamination.
• Respondents were unaware of the importance and need of boiling of water before drinking.
• The community low literacy rate.
• The literary profile of the respondent was evidence of poor human capital and access to the education in this community.
• 73% of the respondents were illiterate and 15 % have passed only their 5 grade with only 11 % have completed their middle (class 8) education.
• The poor education and illiteracy have degraded their health behavior.
• The living condition of the community is also poor & 7 persons lives in a house with only one toilet.
Disease Profile of the Area
• Extremely Low literacy rate, poor hygienic knowledge about the safe
storage of water has impacted the community health.
• It is reported that in children Gastro is mostly reported diseases followed by Diarrhea and Jaundice.
• Doctor in the area also agreed that most of the diseases are related to the water and drinking water is the main cause of diseases.
• Doctor added allergy as one major disease due to poor hygienic condition in the houses and poor sanitation.
Knowledge about quality and storage of water
• The respondents were aware about the importance of the quality of water based on the indicators of taste, color and smell.
• 58% were not satisfied with the quality of water based on the indicators.
• However, there un-satisfaction was not translated into concrete positive health behavior.
Hindrance Factors
• The enabling and hindrance factors which shape community behavior is
their educational level and access to the information.
• In the absence of any formal community health programme in the area the community rely on T.V (53%) for the information they receive is
from T.V.
• The other significant medium is family and friends (others 58%) for
information dissemination.
• Gender profiling of the respondent suggests that the women have limited access to the information and exchange.
Hygiene and Health
• Hygiene- A set of preventive measures for good health, has become an essential part of our lives.
• Health is a resource for everyday life, not the object of living. It is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities.
• Today it seems natural to wash our hands, vaccinate our children or drink safe water, but it hasn't always been so.
The Importance of Hygiene
• Water and sanitation facilities on their own do not result in improved health.
• Access to improved facilities is crucial, but it is the correct use of water and sanitation facilities that leads to a reduction in disease.
• Hygiene is a key factor.
• People can protect themselves from diarrhoeal disease and other infections if they have the information they need and if they are encouraged to make changes in their hygiene behavior.
• Hygiene education of mothers to ensure that young children get a good start in life is a key component in many countries.
Water, Sanitation and Health
• Encourage household water security by making enough water of adequate quality available year-round to ensure family survival, health and productivity, without compromising the integrity of the environment.
• Strengthen policies and institutional frameworks needed to improve sanitation, safe water supply and hygiene, and build government capacities for leadership and responsibility.
• Raise the profile of sanitation, water and improved environmental health in all political and developmental venues.
Personal Hygiene
• Smelling clean
• Clean Clothes
• Clean Shoes
• Clean Feet
• Using 'smell nice' products
• Clean Hair & proper Hair cut
• Clean Teeth
• Hand washing with soap