Al-Shifa Trust                          Donating to Al-Shifa


Your donations have helped us in sight restoration of thousands of blind. However, the problem is huge, Fifteen
persons out of every thousand are blind from both eyes in Pakistan. Without help, a blind child may live the rest
of his life in darkness, a breadwinner of the family may turn into a beggar, and a white cane may become a
permanent part of a woman's life.

You can help us in avoiding all that.

    "  A donation of $50/- will help to restore the eyesight of a poor patient with cataract.

    "  A donation of $250/- will help to bring happiness back into the life of a young man in need of a cornea draft.

    "  $300/- will help in carrying out vitreo-retinal surgery of a poor patient.

    "  A hospital room can be dedicated in your name or your loved one's name by donating $5,000/-.