The interaction between the water and human health are indeed complex. Human health may be affected by the ingestion of contaminated water either direct or by use if contaminated water for purposes of personal hygiene. In total it is estimated that more then 3 billion people per year die from water borne or hygiene related diseases due to unsafe drinking water, unclean domestic environment and improper excreta disposal (Helmer 1999). Government of Punjab has taken an integrated approach for the provision of water supply and sanitation through community participation on the basis of Internal and External Component Sharing Model. However, this initiative is different in a sense that Urban Unit, WASA, NGOs (Anjuman Samaji Bahbood) and Union Council 60 are joining hands for planning, designing, implementation of this project.
Projects in Orangi and in 248 locations in Pakistan have demonstrated that communities can finance, manage and built internal development as long they are encourage, organized and are provided with technical support and managerial guidance ( Hasan 2006). According to the internal external model Government can support the process by building external development, provided they accept the internal – external model concept.
The partners for IWSS project will work together for the designing and implementing of an integrated water supply and sanitation project with active community component in UC-60 Lahore. The purpose of this initiative is to have a cumulative impact on low-income communities and developing a replicable model in the light of National Water and Sanitation Policy in Punjab.
The MOU will be effective from day first for one year from the signing date. Subsequent to this it will be reviewed and extended as mutually agreed between the partners after completion of the project. All the partners recognize the value of working collaboratively and would welcome any extension of this MOU to include additional partners in the future, if required.
Project Concept
The community involvement paradigm was officially adopted by the international community during 1977 World Water Conference in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The conference adopted a slogan which was “Water and Sanitation for All”. The project is based on the integrated approach of water and sanitation for UC 60 community.
This project presents an ideal opportunity for demonstrating mechanisms for improving urban services within the current institutional limitations in the light of National Sanitation Policy.
Overall Aim of the project